Fix and flip loans with no money down do exist and they are available. Although, these have different borrower requirements and may include the necessity of having to pay some expenses out of pocket. But, fix and flip loans with no money down can be an option, particularly for experienced individuals who have gone through the acquisition and rehab process at least a few times before. Read on to learn more about fix and flip loans with no money down.
Fix and flip loans with no money down aren’t a gimmick. Instead, these are legitimate debt instruments, a form of financing that’s usually based on what’s known as hard money loans. Rather than borrowing from a traditional lender, like a big name commercial bank, fix and flip loans can come from private investors.
How to Get a Fix and Flip Loan with No Money Down
Fix and flip loans with no money down might sound too good to be true. But, they have certain criteria buyers must meet in order to qualify. For instance, one requirement already mentioned is experience. Generally, you’ll need to demonstrate you’ve been through the process at least a few times in the recent past.
Also, you’ll usually be required to have an ARV or after retail value, of less than 70 percent. This most often includes the purchase price of the property in question, as well as the cost of rehabilitation and loan expenses, too.
Of course, you’ll also need a good credit score and be prepared for a short term product that can be as little as 5 to 6 months in length.